
Windows 10 change cursor color
Windows 10 change cursor color

windows 10 change cursor color windows 10 change cursor color

RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, % "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Accessibility\CursorIndicator", IndicatorColor, % hexColor : "0x00" default for no argument is black If !KBLayout := DllCall("user32.dll\GetKeyboardLayout", "UInt", ThreadId, "UInt") If !ThreadId := DllCall("user32.dll\GetWindowThreadProcessId", "Ptr", _hWnd, "UInt", 0, "UInt") If GetKeyboardLanguage(WinActive("A")) = 0x0409 English (0x0408 Greek)ĬursorIndicatorColorSet() set to black (note, this doesn't turn the cursor indicator off, just sets to black Or you can just use the straight hex codes if you want instead of defining named colors, but I typically like to define a few colors in English that I can swap between without having to use the hex values. I'm assuming the number field might be Blue/Green/Red (in hex, one byte per color), but didn't check that either. I put a few colors you can test-you can define your own colors in the code, or read them back from the registry key if you want to use the color chooser in the GUI where you would normally change the color (Easy Access settings). Assuming the other code from user3419297 is correct for detecting the language (I didn't test it), the additional function below will change the cursor indicator color.

Windows 10 change cursor color