It goes without saying that as a Ukrainian in the middle of a war, I found the $6 price tag very heartwarming. You've really come a long way since then. I used to play on Armor Games many years ago and it's amazing you're still around and producing - and equally amazing that I've only discovered this now from the New&Trending tab. Many of the game's fans are based in relatively 'lower wealth' parts of the world, so I wanted to try and make the game more accessible to them too.

Originally posted by Whiskeybarrel Studios:While in my heart of hearts I believe the game is worth more than $9.99 US, I decided to lower the price to try and reach a wider audience. Hope it will sell very well for a long time! You get the rates you deserve with the pricing you put it at. I see tons of awsome but overpriced indy games at 30-40 euro, getting 60-70% ratings saying "Lacking content for asking price, good game but wait for sale". I was very happy to see this game was 10 bucks full release, made me able to buy it imideately, just completed my first full 300 day run (rip me), and felt it was priced apropriately. Ive done this for years and notice more people doing the same with the large amount of potentially good games in EA and full release. Then I'll wait some more for the first sale where it drops to around 10 bucks to pick it up. Usually they will then get a price increase to 20-30 eur/dollar. I'm the type of guy with a 50+ game wishlist, waiting for tons of games to get release from EA to get the best experience.

There's never a 'right' price, you have to go with your gut on these things and hopefully the public believe this is a fair price. While in my heart of hearts I believe the game is worth more than $9.99 US, I decided to lower the price to try and reach a wider audience. Initially it was of course higher, because I thought, yeah this game is really big and has a lot more depth than any previous Swords and Sandals game - but on the other hand, the gaming space is ultra competitive now and you need to be able to provide a product that represents good value to everyone. The launch price was set after a lot of thought and debate over the life of Early Access. Originally posted by Pariwak:Is the launch price intentionally low?